Win @ Work & Life with Nikki Bush is the podcast where you and I explore what it means to win at both work and life.Today, you get to choose how to create a life of meaning and self-expression that includes both your work and life outside the office with your family. This is very important. NB!
Thursday Nov 25, 2021
Ep 32. Use your brain‘s neuroplasticity to cope with stress with Dr John Molidor
Thursday Nov 25, 2021
Thursday Nov 25, 2021
Nikki Bush discusses the nuts and bolts of neuroplasticity to decrease stress and increase performance with Dr John Molidor, Emeritus Professor of Psychiatry at Michigan State University, College of Human Medicine. He holds the Certified Speaking Professional accreditation from the National Speakers Association (NSA) in the US one of just over 700 speakers in the world who have it, is past president of the NSA and was President of the Global Speakers Federation 2020-2021. Earlier this year he was the recipient of the very covetted, Cavett Award which celebrates and honours those members whose speaking careers demonstrate the spirit of sharing, guiding and inspiring other professional speakers. You will hear his generous spirit in this podcast.
This conversation covers:
- How we can help our brains to operate optimally.
- What neuroplasticity actually is and how it helps us to learn, unlearn and relearn anything at all at any stage of our lives
- The five step process we go through to learn anything or get anything done
- The importance of sleep in the learning cycle and to increase mental capacity – it’s not what you think and no, it’s not about having to get eight hours of sleep a night
- Tricks and hacks to help you to drop off to sleep when your mind is overactive
- Consistency as an ingredient in the performance of anything
- Different rhythms in our lives – the circadian rhythm and the ultradian rhythm and how they connect with peak performance and getting deep work done
- The need to ‘agitate’ the brain for growth and learning to take place
- The brain-body connection – they are not separate at all
- Using breathing to manage stress levels
- The power of consciously directing your brain
Thursday Nov 18, 2021
Ep 31. Why we need to be part of our children’s digital safety early on
Thursday Nov 18, 2021
Thursday Nov 18, 2021
Nikki Bush discussing why we need to be part of our children’s digital safety early on, with Josh Ramsey from Be In Touch, an organisation that's all about family digital wellness; helping parents to educate, connect and protect children. Josh is a speaker (with a TEDx talk to his name too), educator and coach who watches trends in the digital space and translates them into everyday speak. He speaks from experience having suffered from digital addiction in his teens and 20s. Having completed a degree in psychology, philosophy and coaching, Josh spent his youth travelling the world working as a model, actor, and later as a stuntman. He has seen first-hand the illusion of the entertainment engine, and decided to pursue purpose over profit. These experiences combined with being an entrepreneur who has worked in organisational development, training, education and wellness give him a unique perspective into the emerging field of digital wellness. For more information visit www.beintouch.org
This conversation covers:
- Research statistics from a learner survey about their devices, connectivity and exposure
- The importance of helping school communities to figure out their biggest digital challenges from a list of many
- The world of blackmail, extortion, click-jacking, revenge porn and more that kids are exposed to
- The importance of drawing up an agreement/contract with your child BEFORE you give them their first smart phone
- Accountability, responsibility and consequences in the digital world
- Understanding brain development and the danger gap with devices
- Why kids need ‘fairy wheels’ when they first set out on the digital superhighway
- Why kids should not be sleeping with their phones in terms of their mental health
- How you can gain insight into your child’s digital life
- The case for parental control software as an extra set of senses, pair of eyes or AI side kick
- Why kids don’t tell you what’s going on in their digital lives
- Why digital safety starts at the beginning of your child’s digital journey – in primary school so that you can avoid a war in high school
Thursday Nov 04, 2021
Thursday Nov 04, 2021
Nikki Bush in conversation about high performance team work with Caspar Craven, a leading international authority in achieving big bold goals using a very human approach to building teams. Caspar is an accomplished entrepreneur who has built and sold businesses and worked in the corporate world as a chartered accountant, investment banker and CFO. He has sailed twice around the world – the first time was as the youngest crew member in the world’s toughest yacht race, The BT Global Challenge and the second time he circumnavigated the world with his wife and three young children all under 10 years of age. While sailing the Pacific Ocean he sold one of his businesses for a 7-figure sum. Caspar is a motivational and keynote speaker who uses his unique mix of experiences to inspire his audiences. His latest book, Be More Human: rethinking the rules of high-performance teamwork, was published in 2020. Visit www.casparcraven.com for more information.
This conversation covers:
- Putting people first instead of only running business by the numbers
- Put people first, results will follow
- The keys to effective teamwork
- The importance of listening and helping team members find themselves in your story
- How to balance the need for relentless action and caring for your team
- Self-reflection and being prepared to hear honest feedback about yourself
- Parallels between work and home life
- How you do anything is how you do everything
- What we see is all there is – how to keep top of mind awareness
- Where focus goes energy flows
- If you are running a team you are in the business of growing people
Thursday Nov 04, 2021
Ep 29. Lie-Hide-Repress-Deny: The cycle of gender-based violence
Thursday Nov 04, 2021
Thursday Nov 04, 2021
Nikki Bush discusses gender based violence with Ingrid Lotze who believes the world won’t change until we stop the lie, hide, repress, deny cycle that both victims and bystanders are trapped in. She draws on hard-learned lessons from being married to an abusive alcoholic; her work as volunteer in women’s empowerment; as well as her 25 years of business ownership. Ingrid is a two-time TEDx Speaker & TEDx panelist, a Diversity Equality & Inclusion advocate and gender equality champion. She co-founded and runs three businesses including Hers&His, a diversity and inclusion consultancy. For more information visit www.hers&his.co.za
This conversation covers:
- The conspiracy of silence
- How victims support the cycle
- How bystanders support the cycle
- Cycle of violence from generation to generation
- The problem with “not my business, not my problem”
- Ingrid’s 3-step solution
- Cultivating community and connection
- How to speak up early and often
- Eliciting support and building allies – what to put in play and in place
- GBV awareness in the business environment – how to create a safe space
- Rethinking norms that are hard wired
- The importance of curiosity to create shift
- How lie, hide, repress and deny plays out in gender-based violence, racism, diversity and inclusion
Thursday Oct 28, 2021
Ep. 28 Shining slivers of light on mental health awareness
Thursday Oct 28, 2021
Thursday Oct 28, 2021
Nikki Bush in conversation with teen author and poet, Jess Robus, who shares her insights on teen mental health and talks about her about her first book, Slivers of Light. Published this year (2021), Slivers of Light contains poignant poetry that will move you as will this very honest 15 year old who will blow you away with her eloquence and insights. Jess is the youngest guest to ever appear on the Win @ Work and Life podcast.
This conversation covers:
- Jess’s interest and experience with mental health issues such as depression and anxiety
- Insights into some of the issues that are impacting on the mental health of teens
- The barriers to young people being open and honest about what they are going through
- Advice for anyone who finds themselves depressed or mentally challenged right now – teens or adults
- The realities of living with mental health issues
- How to make yourself more supportable
- Why you need to know yourself well and understand your condition and what can trigger it
- The importance of finding an outlet for self-expression
- Why Jess wrote the book, Slivers of Light
You can order your copy of Slivers of Light from www.jessrobus.com and you can also connect with her there about speaking to your group.
Thursday Oct 14, 2021
Ep 27. What video games can teach us about the game of life
Thursday Oct 14, 2021
Thursday Oct 14, 2021
Nikki Bush in conversation with Gareth Woods, a leading expert in the esports and gaming industry who sheds an interesting light on video gaming. He is also the author of a new book, Go Play Inside – what video games can teach us about the game of life. He is also a fascinating case study in how to build a meaningful portfolio of experiences in a world where career security and job security are increasingly becoming a thing of the past.
For more information visit: www.nikkibush.com or www.thegarethwoods.com
Thursday Oct 07, 2021
Athenticity: Bringing your true self to the table with Khensani Nobanda
Thursday Oct 07, 2021
Thursday Oct 07, 2021
Nikki Bush in conversation with the dynamic and effervescent, Khensani Nobanda, Group Executive: Group Marketing and Corporate Affairs at Nedbank. This podcast delves into the topic of bringing your true self to the table athentically which is part of the work-life integration formula.
This podcast covers:
- What bringing your true self to the table looks like
- Authenticity and vulnerability
- Communicating your goals to those who can help you get there
- Making yourself visible and being memorable
- The value of asking questions to open up opportunities for growth
- Negotiation and value – especially as a woman
- The value of experience in building a career
- How to raise your value and employability
- Knowing your worth and not settling for the offer on the table
Tuesday Sep 28, 2021
Tuesday Sep 28, 2021
Tuesday Sep 28, 2021
Nikki Bush in conversation about the concept of antifragility with leadership expert, Rachael Nyaradzo Adams who says, “What If you can find new eyes to see things wisely even when you are going through some of the most difficult of times?” This is such a relevant topic for where we find ourselves today, in a deeply disrupted world.
For more information visit: www.nikkibush.com or www.narachileadership.com
Wednesday Sep 22, 2021
Ep 24.How does tribalism help or hinder us?
Wednesday Sep 22, 2021
Wednesday Sep 22, 2021
Nikki Bush in conversation with Zanele Njapha, the Unlearning Lady as they take a refreshing look at modern tribalism. This goes beyond race, gender and religion and digs deeper into the tribes with which we associate ourselves and why it is important to change that up from time to time. How does tribalism help or hinder us in our quest to win @ work and life? Zanele is transitions and future of work speaker and is a contributor to Forbes & the Thought Leader section of the Mail & Guardian. She was voted #45 on Avance Media’s list of Top 100 Most Influential Young South Africans in 2019. For more information visit www.nikkibush.com and www.zanelenjapha.com
This conversation covers:
- Modern tribalism
- The impact of our association with various ‘tribes’
- The upside and downside of ‘tribes’
- How we contribute to upholding destructive tribalism
- The echo chamber effect and why we need to guard against it
- Consciously connecting with new and different ‘tribes’
- How ‘tribes’ contribute to diversity within organisations in a different way
Friday Sep 17, 2021
How Decision Fatigue Affects Decision Quality
Friday Sep 17, 2021
Friday Sep 17, 2021
Big decisions, small decisions, they all add up and take up space and mental energy. How are you handling decision fatigue? Are you taking shortcuts or avoiding making decisions entirely? How is this affecting the quality of your decisions at work or at home?
Here are some practical ways to avoid decision fatigue:
- Keep your body and your brain hydrated with water
- Eat small, regular snacks throughout the day to keep your glucose levels up
- Take power naps of 20 minutes
- Meditation also frees up the mind and re-energises it
- Get a good night’s sleep
- Make a list of all the major decisions you know you will have to make in the week ahead on a Sunday night (of course there will be many more that come at you all the time – I’m talking big decisions)
- Divide a page in half and write down the decisions on the left-hand side of the page that you are considering, and write down the action on the right-hand side. If you don’t yet know what action needs to be taken or what decision you are going to make, leave it blank.
- The fact that you have written it down opens it up for the answering. You are giving your brain permission to get on with it unconsciously, and surprisingly, when you get back to it consciously, the answer may be obvious without having to expend much energy on it at all.
- Plan to address big decisions first thing in the morning. If you can to get them out of your way, knowing you will make better decisions earlier in the day, the better off you will be.
Wednesday Sep 15, 2021
Wednesday Sep 15, 2021
Wednesday Sep 15, 2021
Nikki Bush in conversation with futurist, economist and trends analyst, Bronwyn Williams about past, the present and the future. Bronwyn is a partner at Flux Trends with Deon Chang. Her research focuses on how macro socio-economic trends and emerging technologies will impact businesses, industries, and nations in the near and long term future. She is a guest lectures for leading business schools and is the the co-author of The Future Starts Now, published by Bloomsbury UK. She is a regular guest in the media and is also a member of the Association of Professional Futurists. For more information visit www.fluxtrends.com
This conversation covers:
- The challenges of disruption
- Postalgia, prostalgia and nostalgia
- Bouncing back not forwards
- Tending to your own garden first
- The trade-off between freedom and security
- Can we have it all?
- Pay as you go vs ownership economy
- Selling our kids the idea of a career vs finding your place in society and adding value
- Constructive aggression
Tuesday Aug 31, 2021
Ep 22.How to raise financially independent children with Wayne Rogers
Tuesday Aug 31, 2021
Tuesday Aug 31, 2021
Wednesday Aug 11, 2021
Wednesday Aug 11, 2021
Nikki Bush in conversation with Kim Potgieter about how to shift our money mindset. Kim is Head of Life Planning at Chartered Wealth Solutions. she advocates paying attention to our lives and giving intention to our money because it’s one of the longest relationships we will ever have.
- Money – friend or foe?
- Giving money leadership and direction
- Allowing money to serve and enable you
- The connection between life planning and financial planning
- How to change our money stories in the second half of our lives
- Common traps we fall into regarding our relationship with money
- Allowing money to work for us instead of only working for our money
- Why money is an important and exciting conversation to have in the second half of life
- Exercising choice with money
- Why words like fulfilment, balance and joy should form part of money conversations
- What is an empowered modern elder?
Tuesday Aug 03, 2021
Ep.16 How to enable rather than rescue women at work
Tuesday Aug 03, 2021
Tuesday Aug 03, 2021
Nikki Bush in conversation with Zureida Ebrahim about some of the key lessons she has for women who want to get ahead and how you can help other women too. Zureida is the CEO of Client Engagement Solutions at Momentum Metropolitan Holdings Limited. She has been a mentor for many and has learnt much on this journey. She is married with four children and has been breaking barriers in the corporate arena since the age of 24.
For more info visit www.nikkibush.com
Tuesday Jul 27, 2021
Ep 20. The pandemic of parental guilt and over-protection
Tuesday Jul 27, 2021
Tuesday Jul 27, 2021
Nikki Bush in conversation with educational psychologist, Dr Ken Resnick. While we may be living in a global pandemic we are also experiencing a pandemic of parental guilt and overprotection, which does neither children nor their parents any favours. Ken is the founder of the evidence-based Smart Choice Parenting Programme which helps parents and children with the full spectrum of childhood developmental problems from poor school performance and refusing to brush teeth, to regressive issues like sleeping in a parent’s bed, to extreme disorders such as bed wetting, ADD and more. For more information visit www.nikkibush.com or www.smartchoiceparenting.co.za
Wednesday Jul 14, 2021
Ep 19. Managing Grief and Loss
Wednesday Jul 14, 2021
Wednesday Jul 14, 2021
Nikki Bush in conversation with the REV ALISTAIR ANQUETIL about about managing grief and loss in the time of Covid. The concepts of incomplete grief, lack of closure, community and rituals in a time of social distance will be discussed. For more information visit www.nikkibush.com or www.stcolumbaschurch.co.za
Sunday Jul 04, 2021
Ep 18. How music raises hope in tough times
Sunday Jul 04, 2021
Sunday Jul 04, 2021
Nikki Bush in an uplifting conversation with composer, conductor and choirmaster Ralf Schmitt, most well-known for taking the Ndlovu Youth Choir from obscurity to the finals of America's Got Talent in 2019. Hear about hope, leadership analogies, how every song must have space for the choir, team work, individuality and diversity. For more information visit www.nikkibush.com or hello@ndlovu.co.za
Monday Jun 14, 2021
Monday Jun 14, 2021
Why are father’s important?
Nikki Bush in conversation with Craig Wilkinson, The Dad Coach, about the importance of fathers in society and in their children’s development. Craig is the best-selling author of the book Dad – how to be the father your children need, he is an award-winning social entrepreneur and a sought-after inspirational speaker. He is the founder of a number of NPOs including Father a Nation. For more information visit www.nikkibush.com and www.dadcoachonline.com
Wednesday Apr 07, 2021
Wednesday Apr 07, 2021
Nikki Bush discusses the topic of suicide sensitivity with psychologist, Claire Newton. Suicide is the secret S word that no-one wants to discuss and yet it’s part of our reality, particularly in the Covid-19 pandemic. This podcast covers risk factors, telltale signs, how we can help those considering suicide and how to support yourself if you are feeling desperate. For more information visit www.clairenewton.co.za or www.nikkibush.com
Tuesday Mar 23, 2021
Ep 14. The Importance of Storytelling in Disruptive Times with Rob Caskie
Tuesday Mar 23, 2021
Tuesday Mar 23, 2021
Nikki Bush chats with master storyteller Rob Caskie about the importance of storytelling in disruptive times. Storytelling done well provides inspiration as well as analogies and insights. Rob's international career spans five continents from boardrooms to stages, from ocean liners to the battlefields of Kwa-Zulu Natal. Even online you will find Rob regaling his audiences in his trademark shorts with his storytelling stick. Rob is also an inductee in the Professional Speakers Association of Southern Africa Speaker Hall of Fame 2019. For more info visit www.robcaskie.com or www.nikkibush.com